The Image Permanence Institute is preparing to launch an upgraded version of eClimateNotebook. A new pricing model accompanies this launch. Read More

The Better Way To Manage Collection Storage Environments

Trusted by archives, libraries, and museums, eClimateNotebook® is the leading web-based tool for environmental data management and analysis

Based on decades of preservation research and field testing in cultural institutions worldwide

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Why eClimateNotebook®?

Graph and Analyze Data QuicklyUpload, graph, and analyze data quickly and easily

Easy data upload, graphs, statistics, IPI Preservation Metrics, limit lines, NOAA outdoor data, and IPI's Dew Point Calculator are available at all levels. Basic and Professional levels offer additional tools for managing data and analyzing collection risks.

Unique preservation analysis for cultural institutionsUniversal logger import for various types of dataloggers

Basic and Professional levels allow you to import temperature and humidity data from a range of dataloggers including IPI's Preservation Environment MonitorsВ® and other commonly used hardware.

Share data with facilities, collections care, and adminsShare data among collection care, facilities management, and administrative staff

Institutional users will have immediate access to up-to-date environmental data from any computer with a web connection, making it easy to share information among staff members.

Simply manage collections and materialsUnderstand the effect of the storage environment on specific collection materials

Features included in the Professional level help you determine the best environment for the materials in your collection and identify which materials are most at risk in their current location.

Unique preservation analysis for cultural institutionsAnalyze the preservation quality of your storage environment using IPI's Preservation Metrics®

IPI's Preservation Metrics® provide automated analysis of environmentally-induced material decay and can help you accurately and objectively determine the preservation quality of each monitored location, compare one location to another, and document change over time

Customize settings for your institution's organizational needsCustomize information management for your institution

The Professional level includes a searchable database for tracking a range of information associated with the storage location including collection type and material, mechanical system information, maps, photos, incidents, and more.

Simply manage collections and materialsSystem upgrades—both features and functions—are automatically available

Unlike desktop software programs, new or improved eClimateNotebook® features and functions at your subscription level will be automatically available to you.

Easily create reports for sharing and decision-makingGenerate automated or design custom reports for information sharing

Standard reports are available at both the Basic and Professional levels. Customizable reports are included at the Professional level, allowing easy and effective communication.

Customize settings for your institution's organizational needsRoutine technical assistance is included

IPI staff can help you with technical problems at no charge. Staff can also help with data analysis and suggestions for improvement to the storage environment as well as energy saving tips.
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Copyright © 2025 , Image Permanence Institute (IPI).

eClimateNotebook® is a web-product created by the Image Permanence Institute, Image Permanence Institute, an academic research center devoted to research that informs the preservation of cultural heritage collections. The Image Permanence Institute is a department of the College of Art and Design at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).